Proteus Wetsuit donning instructions
Proteus 防寒衣穿著方式說明
Before donning the suit ensure nails are trimmed and jewelery is removed to avoid tearing of seals.
Step in through the back entry zip, ensure the hydrolock back-up and neckseal are to the back.
將腳從防寒衣後背的拉鍊處伸進去,請確認 Hydrolock 鎖水套和頸封是在背部。
Once your toes appear through the end of the ankle seal roll the seal over your foot until the seal is completely inside-out.
Carefully put all your fingers inside the rolled ankle seal and ease over the ankle. Leave rolled and repeat for opposite side.
Put the legs right up getting the suit to your waist. You can now either roll the ankle seal down or do this last once entirely in the suit.
Ensure the legs are comfortable and untwisted whilst the suit is at your waist.
Now pull the suit up evenly as far as you can before you put your arms in. Ideally the suit should be right up to your armpits.
One arm at a time! Put your first arm into the suit.
And now the opposite arm taking your time to roll out any wrinkles in the sleeves.
Grab the hydrolock back-up and neckseal and pull up. ask your buddy if necessary.
抓取 Hydrolock 鎖水套和頸封並往上拉。必要的話可以找潛伴幫忙。
Pull the hydrolock neckseal down over your head and adjust until comfortable. Remember the seal will ease slightly with use and in the water.
將 Hydrolock 頸封套頭後下拉並調整到舒適的位置。請記得,密封處會隨著使用次數和下水後稍微變鬆。
Tuck the bib part at the front ensuring it is nice and flat before you zip up!
Zip up the suit and adjust the outer collar adjuster / neck seal for comfort and extra seal.
拉上拉鍊,並調整外部領口調整魔鬼氈 / 頸封,能提高舒適感和水密程度。
The suit is designed for a great dive…
Not a quick sale!
Remember the benefits of this suit will be felt in the water not in a changing room.
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