10 個學潛水的理由 – 10 Reasons to Learn to Dive

1. 逃離到新的世界 Escape to a different world.
2. 探索新的地區 Explore new places.
3. 體驗和大自然的連結 Experience a connection with nature.
4. 相較於其他熱門的冒險運動和戶外活動來說價格並不會比較貴 Inexpensive compared to getting started in other popular adventure sports and outdoor activities.
5. 性價比高 Great value.
6. 可潛下去探索水域 Dive anywhere there’s water.
7. 現在就潛下去!潛水比你想像中要花的時間更少 Dive Now! You’ll be diving in less time than you think.
8. 很有趣!開始潛水後可以拓展你的社交圈 It’s fun! You will find your social life really takes off when you start diving.
9. 在當地潛水,你會更了解你的家園 Dive Local. Diving close to home has more to offer than you might first think.
10. 和潛伴同行。潛水可以強迫你交朋友 PADI Training. The important thing about where you dive is that you have the training and experience appropriate for diving there and you have a dive buddy to go with you

分類: Q&A,作者: magicfx。這篇內容的永久連結


個人著作: http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010744687 這輩子,一定要去一次馬爾地夫:印度洋三大明珠馬爾地夫、模里西斯與塞席爾夢幻島遊 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010488679 東南亞.自助.潛水趣


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