2015 北京國際潛水展 ADEX CHINA

豐英水中攝影將參加 2015 年 09/11~09/13 ADEX CHINA 2015 於北京展覽館舉辦的北京國際潛水展,展會期間有新產品發表、各種水下攝影器材優惠活動,包括 F.I.T. / INON / Fourth Element 等國際品牌,還包括潛水旅遊資訊,歡迎共襄盛舉!!

The 2015 ADEX Beijing will be held at Beijing Exhibition Centre from September 11-13, 2015. It attracts a very large number of visitors and most of the major manufacturers in the dive industry. In addition, there are talks and seminars going on continuously hosted on stage. Fun-In will attend the show and will give our fans useful information about our new products and dive trips/workshop overseas!


分類: 公告,標籤: ,作者: magicfx。這篇內容的永久連結


個人著作: http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010744687 這輩子,一定要去一次馬爾地夫:印度洋三大明珠馬爾地夫、模里西斯與塞席爾夢幻島遊 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010488679 東南亞.自助.潛水趣


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