在 Shearwater 的官網: https://www.shearwater.com/monthly-blog-posts/shearwater-and-the-cns-oxygen-clock/
其中有一段話: You can see that even small increases of PPO2 above 1.6 cause the allowable exposure time to decrease dramatically. Above a PPO2 of 1.65 ata, the CNS rate increases at a fixed rate of 1% every 4 seconds! This is fast, but is derived from the widely used NOAA values.
也就是說,當你的 PPO2 在 1.65ata時,CNS%每4秒就會增加1%!但,這是怎麼算出來的?
如果仔細看表格 PPO2 = 1.6ata時,Max single exposure minutes = 45mins PPO2 = 1.65ata時,Max single exposure minutes = 7mins
45mins = 2700secs 7min = 420secs 4/420 就接近 1%
也就是說當你的 PPO2 在 1.65ata時,CNS%每4秒就會增加1%,這是相當快的 所以我們潛水的時候,PPO2都會盡量控制在 1.4ata,減壓停留的時候會控制在 1.6ata就是這個道理