
A warm draft of rising air blew softly through the barn cellar.
The air smelled of the damp earth, of the spruce woods, of the sweet springtime.
The baby spiders felt the warm updraft.
One spider climbed to the top of the fence.
Then it did something that came as a great surprise to Wilbur.
The spider stood on its head, pointed its spinnerets in the air, and let loose a cloud of fine silk.
The silk formed a balloon.
As Wilbur watched, the spider let go of the fence and rose into the air.
    “Good-bye!” it said, as it sailed through the door­way.
    “Wait a minute!” screamed Wilbur. “Where do you think you’re going?”
    But the spider was already out of sight… The air was soon filled with tiny balloons, each balloon carrying a spider.
    Wilbur was frantic. Charlotte’s babies were disap­pearing at a great rate.
陸生則常用休眠期來調整,例如海綿的 gemmules、甲殼類&輪蟲的休眠卵(例如:豐年蝦卵)、苔蘚蟲的 Statoblast,輪蟲、水熊和許多原生動物則會進入所謂的隱生階段以度過乾旱期。
分類: 海洋生物學,作者: magicfx。這篇內容的永久連結


個人著作: http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010744687 這輩子,一定要去一次馬爾地夫:印度洋三大明珠馬爾地夫、模里西斯與塞席爾夢幻島遊 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010488679 東南亞.自助.潛水趣


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