學潛水要不要會游泳?先看 PADI 2016 年教練手冊的規定:

Before Open Water Dive 2, have student divers
demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain
themselves in water too deep in which to stand by
completing a 10-minute swim/float without using any
swim aids.


At some point before certification, have students complete
a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/
yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel.
If conditions warrant, students may wear an exposure suit as long
as they are weighted for neutral buoyancy.

在完成課程之前,必須連續游 200m 或是浮潛 300m,如果水很冷,必須加配重變成中性浮力。

所以,以上兩種測試都是要考驗考證者的水性,如果你水性夠好,不會游泳也可以,只要可以穿戴浮潛工具游 300m 即可。反過來說,即使你會徒手漂浮和游泳,但如果無法漂浮/踩水10min,或是無法連續游 200m 不停下來也無法浮潛 300m,就無法考證。

建議考證前先試試看自己能否通過這兩項測試。如果沒把握,可以去水上樂園玩水,從玩樂中建立自己對水的信心,或是請教練上正規的游泳課。如果無法連續游 200m,就加強訓練自己的心肺功能,好比跑步/做有氧運動等。